生涯規劃 Career Planning

生涯規劃 Career Planning



香港特別行政區政府教育局 (2014):《升學及就業輔導》,http://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/student-parents/careers-guidance/about-careers-guidance/principals_and_teachers_corner.html,



Life planning is an ongoing and lifelong process for personal fulfillment, with different foci at different stages of the life time. At the schooling stage, life planning education plays a significant role in fostering students’ self-understanding, personal planning, goal setting, reflective habits of mind and articulation to progression pathways. Hence, life planning education is not merely a remedial or advisory service for students when they are in need of making subject or career choice. It connects with school’s curriculum components, and through it students are equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitude to make wise choices in accordance with their interests, abilities and orientations; and guided to integrate their career/academic aspirations with whole-person development and life-long learning.


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Education Bureau. (2014). Principals and Teachers’ Corner. Careers Guidance. Retrieved from http://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/student-parents/careers-guidance/about-careers-guidance/principals_and_teachers_corner.html

本組目標 Objective

1. 透過生涯規劃教育課程,讓學生認識自我,發掘潛能,並於在學期間,訂立個人目標及計劃。

2. 透過舉辦各種職業簡介講座及與工作經驗相關的工作坊,讓學生了解職場環境和裝備相關知識和技巧,使學生有效地把學業與事業連繫。

3. 透過舉辦不同形式的教師培訓,讓老師了解升學及就業輔導的最新發展。


1. To foster students’ self-understanding, self-exploration, personal planning and goal setting through the implementation of comprehensive life planning curriculum.

2. To enhance students’ understanding towards the work world and equip students with career-related knowledge and skills and facilitate students to make a connection between their study and future career through the organization of career talks and career-related workshops.

3. To equip teaching staff with relevant career-related skills and knowledge through staff development activities.

本組活動 Activity

1. 設計生涯規劃課教材,由班主任於生命教育課堂教授。
2. 積極與外間機構合作,舉辦不同升學及就業輔導相關的講座及與工作經驗相關的工作坊。
3. 提供個人生涯規劃輔導服務。
4. 舉辦升學及就業輔導相關的教師發展活動及家長講座。


1. Design career-related curriculum and implement it in life education lessons.
2. Organise various career talks and career-related workshops to students through the cooperation with the NGOs.
3. Offer individual career counselling.
4. Conduct career-related activities and talks for teaching staff and parents.